How Are You Treating Your Employee Alumni?

As a university alumnus, how often do you hear from your alma mater? I receive some type of communication from my alma mater almost weekly. It ranges from timely updates from the Tulane University president, fundraising solicitations from the development office, and frequent invitations to attend a variety of university alumni events both here in Read more about How Are You Treating Your Employee Alumni?[…]

Helping Small Businesses Make Money with Jeff Cunningham

Jeff Cunningham works with entrepreneurs and visionaries to help them design and achieve ambitious deals and build and sell profitable companies. He created a business model for developing a Proactive Legal Plan™ to make the legal relationship predictable, efficient, and affordable for businesses who watch their cash flow first. A Partner at Parker Poe Adams Read more about Helping Small Businesses Make Money with Jeff Cunningham[…]

He’s a Terrorist: An Excerpt from The Meeting

I published my third book, “The Meeting” last November. This is an excerpt from the book and one of my favorite chapters. The setting is a one-day peer group meeting. Bud is the group Chair and Tex is one of his group members. The group is in Executive Session when members bring strategic issues/decisions to Read more about He’s a Terrorist: An Excerpt from The Meeting[…]

Book Review: The Art of Selling Your Business

Some of the happiest days of my 20-plus year executive coaching career have been seeing a business owner client successfully exit their respective business. Sometimes it has been a retirement. Other times, it has been a transition of the business to a family member or key employee. But the best exits have been when a Read more about Book Review: The Art of Selling Your Business[…]

Sales Preparation, Professionalism, & Clowning Around with Adam Shapiro

Founder and President of SalesReformSchool™, Adam Shapiro helps individuals and companies improve sales performance by on-boarding or “in-boarding” customer-facing individuals, teams, and enterprises. Mostly, this means helping clients integrate brand and other marketing efforts into their sales conversations, tools, and processes. Adam earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Georgia after graduating cum laude Read more about Sales Preparation, Professionalism, & Clowning Around with Adam Shapiro[…]

Looking for a Winning Business Model for Growth in 2021? Pick Your Favorite Sports Team.

I’ve been a huge sports fan since my early youth. In 1970, at the age of 12, I purchased my very own season tickets for the Miami Dolphins. A full season for all of $14. That’s less than $1 per game. It’s hard to imagine how that team made money at those prices. Over the Read more about Looking for a Winning Business Model for Growth in 2021? Pick Your Favorite Sports Team.[…]

Guarding Against Unethical Behavior with Kevin Foster

Business Ethics Advisors founder Kevin Foster provides training nationwide to prepare business professionals nationwide to identify the personal characteristics and circumstances leading to unethical behavior. He also created an 8-week Ethical Leadership Accelerator Group Mentoring Program for Next-Gen and emerging leaders who are tasked to maintain and develop the organization’s ethical culture in their managerial Read more about Guarding Against Unethical Behavior with Kevin Foster[…]