For your business to grow, you need to work on it – not just in it.

Invest in Yourself

If you want to keep winning, you need a great coach. A good coaching relationship provides the framework, guidance, expertise, and objectivity required to develop your leadership skills and grow your business.

Expand Your Network

Connect with other small business leaders navigating the same issues and challenges you face each day through sponsored events and introductions.

Why Do You Need A Business Coach?

Your Business
Without Coaching

  • On Your Own
  • Just a Job
  • Narrow Vision
  • Shoot from the Hip
  • Reactive Management
  • Risk Adverse
  • Stressed & Overwhelmed

Your Business
With Coaching

  • Trusted Partner
  • Healthy Growth
  • Objective Point of View
  • Execute Strategic Plan
  • Proactive Management
  • Informed Risk Taker
  • Enjoying Your Business

A Trusted Advisor

Tim recently received the Vistage Speaker Top Performer Award for 2023. The Top Performer award is an annual recognition of speakers who have presented 25+ engagements, maintained a 4.5+ average score, and have a 95%+ recognition rating in the previous year. 

If you’re looking for a compelling small business speaker or meeting facilitator for your next seminar, conference, or university class, contact tim@smallbusinessmattersonline.com.

With over 30 years of experience, Tim Fulton brings a results-based approach to each and every client. Tim has been involved in the field of entrepreneurship for over three decades as a successful business owner, small business counselor, and adjunct university professor.  A Vistage Emeritus, Tim is also a nationally recognized small business coach, advocate, author, and speaker. 

Whether your business has been established for 50 years or 50 days, Small Business Matters is passionate about helping you achieve your goals and mission.

What Matters To Our Clients

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Book Review: Love + Work

Love + Work by Marcus Buckingham is a refreshing departure from traditional business literature. In this…

These Smart Business Leaders Know Great Coaching Pays Off

Small Business Matters The Podcast

Expert Advice for Small Business Leaders

Dr. Bernie Mullin is a globally recognized management and marketing consultant and speaker, renowned for his unique approach to sports marketing. Co-author of the book Sports Marketing, Bernie’s career spans over 30 years as a chief executive or senior director in prominent organizations in professional sports, collegiate athletics, and entertainment venue operations. His focus on start-ups and turn-around situations has led to the development of winning organizations on the field, court, and ice, and the creation of sustained peak-performing organizations on the business side, achieving unprecedented levels of success.

Show Notes:

Let's Talk

Schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery call with Tim.