In Reset, Dan Heath offers a fresh and insightful perspective on how individuals and businesses can navigate significant transitions and difficult challenges. Whether you’re dealing with a stagnating business, feeling burnt out, or simply yearning for a fresh start, this book provides a road map for meaningful transformation. Heath’s central thesis is that people often feel Read more about BOOK REVIEW: Reset[…]

Book Review: 10X Is Easier Than 2X

In 10X Is Easier Than 2X, Dan Sullivan, renowned coach to entrepreneurs, teams up with organizational psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy to challenge conventional growth strategies. This isn’t your typical business book about scaling—it’s a mindset shift that encourages you to rethink how you approach success, time, and effort. The book’s central idea is deceptively simple: Read more about Book Review: 10X Is Easier Than 2X[…]

Stop Trying to Motivate Your Employees

“Stop trying to motivate your employees,” I told Ryan as we settled down at our table at Chick-fil-A. Ryan is the general manager of a fast-growing small business in Atlanta. A week earlier, he contacted me to ask for help motivating his underperforming employees. “Nothing seems to be working,” he said in a frustrated tone. Read more about Stop Trying to Motivate Your Employees[…]