Quick! What one factor might have the biggest impact on your job performance as a small business leader? Your education?  Past work experience? Skills? Emotional intelligence? All good answers. But possibly the best answer is… the quantity and quality of sleep you are getting. I am currently reading sleep guru Matthew Walker’s international best-selling book Read more about BOOK REVIEW: Why We Sleep[…]

Why Don’t the Atlanta Braves Have a Labor Shortage?

It seems like almost every small business owner I talk to is struggling to find help. I go to local restaurants that are short-staffed. I see stores with signs on the windows asking for help. Service trucks with “help wanted” signs on the back door. Despite inflationary economic pressure and an apparent recession in place, Read more about Why Don’t the Atlanta Braves Have a Labor Shortage?[…]

Is Your Company a Pool or a Stream?

The following article was shared with me by Vistage speaker Dr. Balaji Krishnamurphy. It is a masterpiece on organizational culture. In a world of a “Great Resignation” and a pending economic recession, managing a strong company culture is quite necessary. Inherent in that strategy is to be very intentional about what type of culture you Read more about Is Your Company a Pool or a Stream?[…]

What are Your Team’s Chances of Winning This Year?

Imagine you are coaching 11 people on a soccer team, and only four of your players know which goal they are aiming toward. Only two of your players care about which goal is yours. Only two players know their position and how it relates to the team overall. Only two players really trust the coaches Read more about What are Your Team’s Chances of Winning This Year?[…]