Jay McDonald is a successful Executive Coach to CEOs, business owners, and leaders in multiple industries, helping folks become their best while enjoying great personal lives, and improving results. He’s also an experienced board member, having served on dozens of boards, chairing every board committee during his career. Jay is the author of Strategic Jaywalking: The Secret Sauce to Life & Leadership Excellence, and Co-Author of Corporate Banking: A Practical Approach to Lending. A Vistage Master Chair, currently leading five Vistage groups, Jay is a graduate and facilitator of the prestigious Stanford Vistage Executive Leadership Program.
Contact Information:
website: jaymcdonald.com
LinkeIn: linkedin.com/in/jaymmcdonald
Show Notes:
Tim and Taylor recently welcomed Tim’s friend Jay McDonald to the podcast. Jay shares the lessons he’s learned over a 40-year career that began in a bank mailroom. Tune in to learn why leaders must ask difficult questions, the key to leading successfully in good times and in bad times, and why Jay keeps failing at retirement.
Episode Highlights:
- What Matters to Small Business [0:02:23]
- The Journey [0:03:30]
- Today’s Most Difficult HR Issue [0:07:57]
- Writing Strategic Jaywalking [0:11:30]
- Best Mistake Made So Far [0:16:52]
- Role of the Leader [0:20:17]
- Leading in Good Times Verses Bad [0:22:35]
- Rapid Fire [0:29:03]
- Contact Information [0:35:26]
- Takeaways [0:37:04]
- SBM Announcements [0:37:37]